Comments on: about tonto ... where we have more fun! ... Sat, 04 Feb 2017 03:09:28 +0000 hourly 1 By: yeo Sat, 04 Feb 2017 03:08:54 +0000 on 31st Jan 2017, 15 days after tonto’s passing, we met up with the vet surgeon to seek out an explanation on what happened to our boy.

the surgery on friday evening went well, though there were complications with embedded testicles, as one testicle was stuck to his prostrate, the vet decided not to risk removing this testicle.

on sunday afternoon, he noticed tonto’s abdomen was slightly swollen, so proceeded to open him up again. he was shocked to find some tissues were rotting inside tonto. he couldn’t explain how could this happen, or what could have caused this. he believe he did a clean job on friday evening.

anyway, he removed these rotten tissues, cleaned up as best as could and stitched tonto back up. waited till midnight when tonto woke up, whining in pain, as expected.

he believed he did his best and everything was okay, so he was shocked to learn on monday morning of tonto’s passing.

as he explained to us, he was also emotional, and he told us he couldn’t sleep for 2 days.

while our hearts pained in knowing tonto suffered during the surgery, it’s not fair to blame this man for he tried his best and had only the best intentions.

i guess the stress of the surgery was just a bit too much for our boy.

thank you dr zamzi for all that you have done for tonto.
