Comments on: Rudolf Broertjes’ SS I/V Gain Stage ... where we have more fun! ... Fri, 29 Mar 2013 11:26:38 +0000 hourly 1 By: yeo Tue, 04 Jan 2011 14:20:27 +0000 hi gj

thx for your comments. yes, r23 is not on the pcb. if you hook this i/v stage to a preamp, then the preamp’s input impedance is this “r23”.

let it run in and it’ll sound better over time. you could consider mojo too which is an improved ss i/v stage, from all the hard work of the diyers on the forum.



By: TubeFX Tue, 04 Jan 2011 12:31:58 +0000 Hello I have build this output stage and it sounds very bright a has a lot off power/push. I want to add to this site that you should not forget R23. R23/47Kohm is not on the pcb so look out not to forget it.
That al Thank you’ll.

GJ Roossien

By: Michiel Kramers Sat, 23 Oct 2010 05:08:12 +0000 Hello,
May be you can help me understanding and fixing a defect of Monica3-usb. After weeks playing perfectly, I switched it on and heard a 100Hz hum in one channel and LEDD1 was not bright, and when switching off power, all LEDS of this channel lit up brightly for a moment, but all LEDs die much faster than normally (i.e. the PSU elco is drained quicker, indicating a high current in the output stage). I guess several transistors are blown. What could have caused this??? Too high PSU voltage? (18V)? Shorting of the output RCA (after the capacitor) while playing music? Leak currents from the laptop?
Best, Michiel
