the Wonderful Wacky World of taobao

taobao is the Chinese equivalent of Ebay, with a significant difference – access to the world’s factories. In other words, mind boggling variety, crazy prices that flatten the world, nightmares to middle-mens around the world…

But with such a huge market out there comes the conundrum – how to separate wheat from the chaff? The golds from the duds?


Here is where a curator’s weight in gold is measured!

Evil advocator of all things horn – the hornmeister himself – Gabriel told me about this manufacturer offering horn speaker kit – CNC cutting MDF pieces to be assembled by the end user. In other words, horn speakers given the Ikea treatment.


Here is another gem, this time recommended by Ew, a devil of a guy who knows way way too much about tube amps and transformers…


OK. So here is where I come in. Reading those pages, and oogling at those photos got me drooling, and so I took the next most logical step…


I bought them.


The speaker kit arrived first, all 30kg of it. Hernia alert!

Time to get horny!


A quick mock up sets the pulse racing…


And off we go!


The first pieces are always the easiest.
Then it gets tougher to align. Hey, my neighbours wardrobe isn’t very chic.
Oh my, more clamps please…
Slowly but surely, it’s getting in shape.


Almost there…





Err, from that skeleton stage to finished good, actually went through an awful lot of work. You see, I screwed up along the way (I have a knack for this) and Gabriel saved my ass (again) as he had to undo some of my mistakes before setting them right.

Thanks again bro…

The finished speakers are clad in hard wood timber strips and finished in at least 5 coats of polyurethane. The attendant driver here is a none other than our DCA4, stained to match.


Listening to it…


Hey! What’s the little tube amp there? Which brings me to the next page… [scroll down for page 2 link, dumbo]


  1. Andrew January 28, 2017
    • yeo January 30, 2017
  2. Fauzi Saad March 3, 2017
    • yeo March 4, 2017
      • Fauzi March 6, 2017
        • yeo March 6, 2017
          • Fauzi Saad March 29, 2017
          • yeo March 29, 2017
  3. Phil April 5, 2017
    • yeo April 5, 2017

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