six and half years, without fail, you make our lives so much livelier. there is no leftovers with you around. we revolve our lives so much around you.
six and half years, you have taught us so much, teaching us to be humble, accommodating, adaptable and be kind to everyone. you truly have a big heart. and all this while you have never complained about anything, not even a whine. biggest lesson of all, cherish everyone you have while they are still around.
six and half years, our lives have been enriched in ways we never thought is possible. we have truly become better persons thanks to the lessons you taught us. who knew a four legged furry animal has so much to teach us?
six and half years, we have been truly humbled and grateful for your presence in our lives.
six and half years… it’s still too brief.
we are really sorry we have failed you. if only we could have done more for you.
you may be gone but your daddy and mommy will always remember you as our baby.
our dear tonto
run free
your body may have failed you
your spirit remains
you will continue to live inside us
and we shall meet again
our tonto boy
it is a privilege to have you in our lives!
31st January 2017. A tribute to tonto.
I grieve with you, Yeo. I understand the pain. She looks to be very special.. My condolences on your loss. -Edward
thanks edward!
I’m truly sorry to hear of your loss.
Isn’t it amazing how a pet can get right into your very soul.
I too lost an amazing dog (he was more than just a ‘dog’) back in 2015.
hi tony
thanks for your reply. yes, i would not have imagined the impact he has on our lives. and yes, he is more than just a dog. he’s like a our kid to us.
thanks for sharing your ozzie with us.
Great tribute.
Dogs are such wonderful companions, godsent teachers.
thanks pal!
Beautiful eulogy. Thank you for sharing.
thanks mike!