Built a Hedlund Horn for my Coral Beta 6!
Blood, Sweat, Tears and a Bloody Tan
a. k. a.
How to Drive Your Wife Nuts

Congrats Mr Jan Hedlund for such a wonderful design! Mucho gracias, arigato, merci beaucoup, vielen Dank, thank you very much!
Thanks a lot too to Master Craftsman Gabriel who really has wonderful hands with wood!
Now, you may not know this but I have been really lucky. I mean really really lucky. I have been fortunate enough to listen to the Coral drivers in various enclosures. Open baffles, Sealed box, Bass Reflex, Mini-Array, TQWT, Spiral Horn and now, the Hedlund Horn. Each has its virtues but for sheer quality, the last 2 deserves special mention.
Thus we didn’t mind suffering in building the Hedlund for the Coral Beta 6. There’s definitely our blood and sweat in there! I suffered so many cuts and bruises and now the scars suggest I’m a veteran of many squabbles. So stay your distance ok? Tears came when we listened to her! Either tears of joy or tears of despair and fortunately, ours is the former. The tan? Well, no thanks to our Malaysian sun…
The sound?
Don’t ask! Build it yourself! Ha ha! Anyone who doubts single drivers can do bass opt to listen to the Hedlund. Although she doesn’t go lower than 50Hz, the quality of the bass is beyond compare! Fast, natural, distortion free and NO BOOM at all! In comparison, bass from non-horn designs sound “constipated”, sound “forced”! All this while maintaing the brilliant mids and highs of the Beta! Also, one of the pet peeves most folks have with single drivers is the “lightweight” sound, particularly the lower midrange. Fear not now folks! It’s not the driver’s fault but your enclosure! Male vocals have never sounded better!
The System as of March 2006

CDPRO2 feeds Monica2 with Grounded Grid tube gain stage, feeding Charlize, then the Beta 6s in Hedlunds.

Monica2 in GG with Amperex 5842s. Will be trying other high transconductance tubes soon!
Note I hate RCA sockets so am using XLR now.

Charlize in a simple Hammond box.
Will stop here. Got to go listen to music! (And make amends to my wife!)
I found your site when I was searching for Blood, Sweat & Tears. And guess what. I did build my first speakers in 1978, Coral horns similar too yours, but not as good looking. My wife never liked them so gave them away for free a couple of years ago. Two weeks later I met a person who offered me a fortune for my old horns. But then it was too late.
I’m still married. 😉